About Unex®

Unex® Surfaces  -  About Unex®


Unex® Surfaces

Unex® Surfaces has excellent stability and water repellent properties, which arenot affected by the surrounding environment, and it maintains its original shapefor a long time.
It is an ideal material for counters in commercial buildings or for kitchen countersin residential buildings.

Unex® Surfaces

Unex® Key Features

  • Durability


    Unex® Surfaces is a non-porous material that has the equal properties inside andoutside. Any damages or scratches can be easily recovered as new.The excellent waterproof properties prevent water penetration and make it hygenicall the time.

  • Easy Handling

    Easy Handling

    Unex® Surfaces is easy to handle in the installation and maintenance process.It only requires the minimum resources to process the material.It can be easily recovered from the damage with a simple process.

  • Design Diversity

    Design Diversity

    Unex® Surfaces has a wide range in colors and patterns that can meet the broadtastes in the market.We have a wide range of knowledge and technology in developing market-leadingdesigns from 25 years of experience in interior stone business.

  • Infinite Design

    Infinite Design

    Unex® Surfaces features a seamless design when multiple sheets are attached.Joint line is invisible and hygienic that designer can apply infinite designs for use inhospitals and laboratories.




760(W) x 3,680(L)mm
760(W) x 2,440(L)mm



6mm / 12mm




Test Results

Imitation Marble

좌우스크롤 이미지Swipe to right or left

Test Results
Sepcific Gravity((23/23)°C] - - 1.78 ASTM D792-13(Method A)
Tensile Strength MPa - 25.3 ASTM D638-14(**)
Tensile Modulus of Elasticity GPa - 7.48 ASTM D638-14(**)
Flexural Strength MPa - 49.7 ASTM D790-15e2(***)
Flexural Modulus of Elasticity GPa - 9.74 ASTM D790-15e2(***)
Water Absorption (24 h lmmersion) % - 0.03 ASTM D570-98(2010)e1
Appearance(Discoloration, Crack)
after Heat Resistance
- - No Defects JIS K 6902 : 2008
Appearance(Discoloration, Crack)
after Heat Water Resistance
- - No Defects JIS K 6902 : 2008
Deflection TemperatureUnder Load(1.82 MPa) °C - 62 ASTM D648-16(Method B)
Accelerated Weathering Test(*)- Discoloration - - No Defects KS M ISO-2 : 2012, Method by Client
Density(23°C) g/㎠ - 1.78 ASTM D792-13(Method A)
Rockwell Hardness(HRM) - - 86 ASTM D785-08(2015)
(Procedure A)
Izod Impact Strength J/m - 19 ASTM D256-10e1
(Method A)

* Accelerated Weatherign Test Condition

Light Source : 6500W Xenon Arc, Irradiance : 0.51 W/㎡

B.P.T. : 63 °C ± 3 °C, Humidity : 50 %± 5 % RH,

Inner/Outer Filter : Borosilicate/Borosilicate, Spray Cycle : 18 min / 120 min, Exposure Time : 4 h

** Specimen : Type I, Speed of Testing : 5 mm/min

*** Speed of Testing : 5.0 mm/min, Support Span : 190 mm

- Usage of Report : IN HOUSE CONTROL

    NOTE :

  • 1. The test results of this report are only limited in to the samples and sample names provided by the client and do not guarantee the quality of all products of the client.
  • 2. This test report shall be used only within the purpose of its defined usage and shall not be used for public relation, advertisement and lawsuit.
  • 3. This test report is only valid when printed on KTR original report paper with hologram and when re-issued by KTR. the copy and the electronic file of the test report are only for reference.